Tossing Bouquet
Tossing Bouquet
Always Free when you book a wedding package with us!
Always Free when you book a wedding package with us!
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our services!
Jayden Hobbs - Owner, Lead Floral Designer, & Photographer Vibe Marketplace
+1 (661) 803 1919
Travis Hobbs - Operations Manager & Second Shooter Vibe Florals & Photo
Jana Inabnit - Administrative Coordinator Vibe Marketplace
Emily Dubei - Floral Designer Vibe Florals
Anna Martin - Floral Designer Vibe Florals
Morgan Valaika - Floral Designer Vibe Florals
Kimmy Luepke - Floral Designer Vibe Florals
Brinkley Burbridge - Floral Assistant Vibe Florals